Jewelry Cabinet with Full-Length Mirror, 64 Earring Slots, 72 Ring Slots, 20 Necklace Hooks Standing Jewelry Armoire Organizer


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Material MDF, Glass Mirror
Style Modern
Special Feature 3 Angle Adjustable, Full Length Mirror, Jewelry Storage
Product Dimensions 14″D x 14″W x 56.5″H
Target Audience Women
Shape Rectangular
Occasion Mother’s Day, Christmas, New Year, Birthday

About this item

  • [2-in-1 Mirror & Cabinet]: Combined a mirror with a jewelry organizer in one cabinet, this freestanding jewelry armoire allows you to enjoy the dual benefits and endless fun of dressing up. You can use it as a mirror for you to dress or a practical jewelry cabinet to store your value jewelry, leaving you a clean and spacious space.
  • [Spacious & Divisional Storage Space]: The jewelry armoire is designed with 4 lined earring shelves that including 64 earring slots and 44 earring holes, 72 ring slots, 20 necklace hooks and 4 storage racks for cosmetics. Powerful partitioned storage space will keep all your jewelry well organized.
  • [Selected Material & Stable Structure]: Premium MDF material and thick frame make the jewelry organizer sturdy and durable. Triangular base ensures good stability to prevent falling forward and backward. And anti-skid foot pads help the cabinet firmly grasp the ground, while protecting the floor from scratches.
  • [3-Angle Tilting Full Length Mirror]: 3 tilt positions help you find the most comfortable bevel angle according to your height. You can swivel the mirror freely and fix the position with horizontal holes. Full length mirror is perfect in width and height to nicely show your body.
  • [Additional Protection]: The protective black fabric lining prevents your jewelries from being scuffed and scratched. And magnetic stopper keeps your treasures in an enclosed space for safety. With slim design and elegant style, the super functional jewelry armoire is perfect for bedroom, bathroom, cloakroom, etc.

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