Metal Lateral File Cabinet with Lock, 2 Drawer File Cabinet, Black Filing Cabinet with Lock, File Cabinet for Home Office/Letter


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About this item

  • Heavy Duty File Cabinets — Black lateral file cabinet is made of thick high-strength cold-rolled solid all steel material. Rugged and not easily deformed; Max load capacity up to 220 lbs. Coated with powder-coated construction makes black filing cabinet looks modern and stylish, can match your other office furniture perfectly and easy to clean.Ideal for long-term use!
  • Large Filing Organization Storage — This metal lateral filing cabinet with two large file drawers with adjustable hanging bars, accommodate for legal, letter, A4, F4 size hanging folders, great to keep your files, documents and other office supplies organized. Extra plastic pads under the 2 drawer filing cabinet to prevent scratching the floor while maintaining stability.
  • Easy to Assemble — With ball bearing full extension drawer slides, the file drawers opens completely, allowing you to access the contents in the back of the office drawer cabinet easily and quietly. Kindly reminder: The two drawer file cabinets will be easy to assemble with following the installation video. if you’re still having trouble, we’d be happy to help, just get in touch!
  • Lockable Lateral File Cabinet — Our locking lateral filing cabinet with lock keys and features a interlock system that secures all drawers at once and keeps your important documents safe and secure while you are away from your workspace. With all drawers interlocking mechanism design, it will prevent tipping.
  • Installation — The 2 drawer lateral file cabinet requires assembly and comes with installation instructions and videos to help you complete the installation faster. Before assembling, double-checked all parts of file cabinet you received, and the installation instruction is included in the box.



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